DIY: Winter homemade dry skin regimen
Real beauty come from within. At Elegance's we are all about natural beauty using natural and organic ingredients. When winter is here and we are waiting to head to our sunny beach days, we still need to handle our skin and nourish it with love and respect. Here is a few DIY receipt that can make at home with very easy ingredients.
Nighty Shiny Lemon Cleanser:
Lemon helps your skin to maintain healthy PH balance. Sour cream contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates. Olive oil is hydrating.
1 table spoon lemon juice
1/4 cup of sour cream
1 table spoon olive oil
In. small bowl, mix the lemon juice, sour cream and oil. Wash your face with this cleanser only at night. Rinse off with warm water
Coco-cream green moisturizer:
Avocado is super rich in vitamin A,D, E and minerals . Coconut oil softens and protects.
1/4 Avocado
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Smash the avocado in a bowl, add the yogurt , lemon juice and oil, mix
Massage the amount on your face.
Self heating cognac mask:
Yes cognac tightens pores and stimulate blood flow. Honey and cottage cheese exfoliate dead skin cells. Egg yolk leaves your skin soft
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon cottage cheese
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon cognac
Mis all together the egg yolk and cottage cheese. Add the honey and the cognac. Cover your face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse of with warmth water
All recipes are coming from the book : "Return to Beauty" by Narine Nikogosian